WHAT IS TRAINING CAMP?Training Camp is guided by a coach in an hour workout teamed with nutrition coaching and challenges. With support coming from the area's best instructors, your nutrition coach and classmates, you are steps away from a fit, healthy, and energized you. Training camp is a transformation. YOUR training camp is all about your journey to reach your true potential. What are you preparing for? Is your bootcamp "where fat becomes fit?" Or "where couch potato becomes marathoner?" Or "where frail becomes strong?" Or "where fatigued and foggy becomes energetic and sharp?" Whatever your transformation may be - that's Training Camp.
AMY - TESTIMONIAL #1"What I find most inspiring in my transformation since starting TRAINING CAMP isn't necessarily losing weight or going down a pant size. In fact, I'm still the same size that I've always been - even though I'm SO much more slim and toned than I ever thought I'd be. What has transformed is my confidence and the shift in my attitude from WHY? to WHY NOT?"
RYAN - TESTIMONIAL #2"I still remember how I felt when I signed up to train with TRAINING CAMP...I was tired of being unhealthy, having very little stamina and not looking like the person I remembered being. And I missed her. So when I heard about TRAINING CAMP, I was fascinated ...and a little terrified too...I've come down two and a half dress sizes (when my goal was to drop one size)"
BRAD - TESTIMONIAL #3"TRAINING CAMP has changed my life. I have never felt better about myself mentally or physically. I have more confidence now and that has shown in my career Physically, I can complete tasks easier and have much more energy. Do I hate working out some days? Absolutely. However, my motivation comes from looking in the past and all the success I have had"